All around the world,its common practice to dump enormous volumes of wastewater into rivers,oceans and streams.This has extremely negative effects on the environment,fisheries,animals,and thats not to mention its aptly named waste of water too.
Wastewater is any form of water that has been contaminated by a commercial or domestic process.This includes water that was used for sewage and water thats a by product of large scale industries such as mining and manufacturing.
wastewater treatment is a process that coverts wastewater from its unusable state into an affluent that can be either reused to the water cycle with minimal environmental issues or reused for another purpose.
its a treatment that,given its importance,more and more government are finally realising that they need to take actionable steps to improve their wastewater treatment process..
Water is one of the most important resources and its being squandered.There are multiple ways to treat wastewater,and the better the process,the higher the percentage that it can be reused before it gets dumped into the ocean.
The public has begun to stand up to the companies about wastewater and the rules are slowly changing,especially in terms of transparency and its effects on the environment.Its a good thing that the industry is under scrutiny as the more transparency thats required by law,the better.We need to raise the levels of expectation for industries,mines and the likes as they have been unregulated and more scarry as the environment is concerned.
The world has a growing and developing population,and as things stand right now,we are on a downward slope in terms of water conservation. With some smart thinking,wastewater treatment and some generous open mindness,something previously almost unheard of from the corporates,we can turn this around and make much needed changes all around the Globe.